Dr. Arthur John Greenwood – Adultery and Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Dr. Arthur Greenwood is an OBGYN,
- a residency trained ACOG certified OBGYN
- He is my husband,
- For years, while Dr. Arthur John Greenwood was a United States Air Force Medical Officer, Arthur John Greenwood committed adultery.
- On January 14, 2016 I learned that my husband, Dr. Arthur John Greenwood a.k.a. USAF Maj Arthur John Greenwood had contracted STD’s (sexually transmitted disease[s] and or related disease[s]. Dr. Arthur John Greenwood is an OBGYN. Dr. Greenwood knows better than anyone about the dangers of STD’s and STD related diseases.
- For years Dr. Greenwood denied he was committing adultery.
- Even after admitting adultery, Dr. Greenwood lied repeatedly about the frequency of his adulterous behavior.
- Dr. Greenwood refused to ever tell me (his wife) if or when he’d been tested for STD’s and STD related disease, and if had been treated for STD’s and STD related diseases. He recently had an STD related disease, and failed to disclose this to me at all.
As the wife of an admitted adulterer I have a right to know if, when and how often Dr. Arthur John Arthur was tested and or treated for an Sexually Transmitted Diseases and or related illness
In January 14, 2016 I was told by Arthur’s attorney, Mr. James Clark II that Arthur was retiring from the military because he had been diagnosed, treated and recovered from a rare disease called Tonsil Cancer. The risk factors for Tonsil cancer are excessive drinking and oral sex. Tonsil cancer is linked to the STD – Sexually Transmitted Disease HPV which is found in the female reproductive tract. The photo above reflects weight loss from a medical condition spread via HPV (Human Papillomavirus), oral sex and excessive drinking. This is presumably what Arthur looked like during his treatment.
This is what Arthur looks like on June 16, 2016, Clearly he was able to get medical treatment, while he forces me to live in poverty, and I can not afford the deductible on my health insurance and go without medical care for 18 months now.
Tonsil Cancer can take years to develop
- Arthur has been committing adultery for years, though he almost always denied it
- I repeatedly asked both Arthur and his command to be allowed to know when Arthur was testes for Sexually diseases and what the test results were.
- Arthur simply told me to “go to hell” hen I asked if he’d been tested for STD’s. The USAF did about the same.
- I was not informed that my husband had and or was treated for an SDT.
- My husband is an OBGYN who gives speeches about Sexually Transmitted Diseases to his patients dozens of times a day.
- My husband knows the risks of communicating STDs.
- Not informing me that he had contracted and or was treated for an STD related disease is Conduct Unbecoming an Office, conduct unbecoming a husband, conduct unbecoming a medical doctor, and conduct unbecoming a Board Certified OBGYN, and I believe it is assault and possibly battery.